Wednesday 15 August 2018

Simple Logical PostgreSQL Backup Script (Pg_dump)

Below is the script written by me to make life easier for all DBA. You would just need to change few things in accordance to your environment and the script is ready for use. Also, you can comment in the comment section, if you want any modified script and I can work on that and share with you. Below script is meant for taking logical dump, I did not include much information but as I said you can always tweak but below script is a working script and it makes my life easy. This script can be used for restore process, not for recovery purpose. For that there is a different script using base backup.

Below are some of the details for the script -

1. I am declaring the backup user, backup directory, date, port and small small information which will get repeated in the script.

2. First condition will check if backup directory exist, if not it will create a backup directory.

3. I have also made a table to note down all the details of backup, so that I can query and find out if the backup is successful or failed. It makes a better Audit History.

4. Script is making a note of all the DB to be taken as backup and it is taking the backup of individual backup in for loop and making a note if backup is successful or not.

5. Lastly, I am taking up the backup of global users which is very important and making a entry in table too.

6. Sample how the backup take will look like is mentioned below and it can be taken as reference if you need any similar sort of Backup Strategy.

Here goes the below script -

## Backup Script of Postgres
## Script will take backup of individual database and global objects. Script is good if DB size is small and do not need backup of WAL Files
## Author -

set -x

export PGPASSWORD=PassWord!
DATE=`(date +"%Y-%m-%d")`
SIMPLE_DATE=`(date +"%Y%m%d")`

/bin/mkdir  -p $BACKUP_DIRECTORY
echo " Backup Directory exist"


TABLE_EXIST=`$PSQL -d audit -t -c "SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.tables WHERE  table_schema = 'public' AND table_name='backup_logs')"`

if [ $TABLE_EXIST = f ]
        $PSQL -d audit -c "create table backup_logs(date date, database varchar, status varchar, backup_location varchar)"
    echo "table_exist"

LIST_DB=`$PSQL -t -d postgres -c "select datname from pg_database where datname not like 'postgres';"`

echo ${array1[@]}

for database in "${array1[@]}"

BACKUP_DATABASE="$PG_DUMP -U$BACKUP_USER -p $PORT -d $database -f $BACKUP_DIRECTORY/backup_$database.sql"
    echo "Taking backup of DATABASE $database"

if [ $? -eq 0 ]
$PSQL -d audit -c "insert into backup_logs values(current_timestamp, '$database', 'Success', '$BACKUP_DIRECTORY/backup_$database.sql')"
$PSQL -d audit -c "insert into backup_logs values(current_timestamp, '$database', 'Failed', '$BACKUP_DIRECTORY/backup_$database.sql')"




Output in table if backup is success or not.

audit=# select * from backup_logs;
    date    | database  | status  |                  backup_location
 2018-07-24 | template1 | Success | /tmp/postgres_backup/20180724/backup_template1.sql
 2018-07-24 | template0 | Failed  | /tmp/postgres_backup/20180724/backup_template0.sql
 2018-07-24 | test      | Success | /tmp/postgres_backup/20180724/backup_test.sql
 2018-07-24 | test1     | Success | /tmp/postgres_backup/20180724/backup_test1.sql
 2018-07-24 | test2     | Success | /tmp/postgres_backup/20180724/backup_test2.sql
 2018-07-24 | new       | Success | /tmp/postgres_backup/20180724/backup_new.sql
 2018-07-24 | audit     | Success | /tmp/postgres_backup/20180724/backup_audit.sql
(7 rows)

Cron Entry:
##Scheduling Postgres Backup - Logical pg_dump backup
21 7 * * * /opt/postgresql/scripts/ > /data/postgres_backup/`/bin/date +'\%Y\%m\%d'`/log_file/postgres_backup.out 2>&1

-bash-4.1$ crontab -l
##Scheduling Postgres Backup - Logical pg_dump backup
5 21 * * * /opt/postgresql/scripts/ > /data/postgres_backup/backup_log_file/`date +\%Y\%m\%d`-cron.out 2>&1

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